Lightlanguage colors & codes
When we start believing the unseen miracles happen.
We can't see everything with our eyes. There is so much more. Image I walk in a dark room with a flashlight. I can see the things that light up. But image I turn on all the lights in that room. All of sudden we can see everything in the room.
So now we take the universe. There is so much we can't see! But because we don't see it we don't believe it. I first started feeling things after my mother died. I could still feel her and talk to her. Then I started to talk light language & Ascended Masters & Galactic Beings & Elementals started to contact me.
I learned so much about light & energy.
New things started to unfold on my path. Old things started to crumble on my path. They weren't helpful anymore. If you are not living your truth it will start to show. Is it bad? First you feel panic. But then you start feeling that the new life is much more exiting & happy than the old one.
What helped me is finding guidance on my path. How can I make the shift with ease and grace. I learned that colors & geometry can change our energy field. It can strengthen a person on his path and with the ascension. Cause believe me. The earth is ascending. The only choice we have is to ascend too. Otherwise live will get uncomfortable.
I feel into your energy field and start painting . I contact your higher Self and ask what is needed at that moment. The colors that empower you will light up for me. They ask for my attention.
This guidance comes directly from source, the highest and purest light. The earth is ascending. The family of light is so eager to help us. We work together. That is the key. They are not better or more than us. They want to assist us here on earth.
Light language, in this case colors, is a channeled Multidimensional language that bypasses the conscious mind.
It is ancient & sacred. The light language is very powerful. At a basic level light language is encoded energy signatures. It activates dormant DNA.
Light language works at a quantum level which your heart and soul understand. You will FEEL this. It activates your Soul Blue Print and for the new golden world your Golden Print. It assist you to remember lost part of you and new part will be activated and reactivated.
It can remove blockages in your energetic body, Upgrade & balance chakras. It helps access your innate wisdom. It heals you Emotionally, Mentally, Spiritually & Physically. It empowers you because it unlocks your talents & gifts.
A beautiful painting on the wall in your house or company that empowers the soul mission of yourself or your company
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