We are all an energyfield with a body (vessel). We are so much more than our body. In our energy field a lot of information is stored. Like a hard disk, google or the cloud.
In this life, but also in previous lives, we had experiences, good or bad. This information can be helpful or a pain in the ass.
This information is mostly unconscious. In other words, we don't even know it.
When we are in a challenging situation, or triggered or fearful a button inside of us is pressed. Without knowing we are reliving old situations. These situations can be persecution, death, suppression, slavery, rape, oppression. In previous lives we lost houses, people in dangerous situations.
When something happens to us now we unconsciously feel this old wounds again. And our body reacts. It warns us that there is danger. But in this live we have to transmute these old wounds.
We have to know that it wants to be seen, felt and let go of.
-We can't communicate because of old fear?
-We can't stand up for ourselves because of old dangerous experiences
-We don't take the leap of faith because of old programming, old failure, old disapointments?
-We can't live from intuition because we don't trust it because of previous outcomes.
This can lead to depression, burn-out, physical complaints, suppression, illness, fear, not being able to make choices, having no clarity or direction.
In a session I work with my family of light, 100% of the highest & purest love and light. I work with my own healing tools: Lightlanguage, Crystal knowlegde & power, DNA healing, Colourhealing en Channeling.
These tools I developed with my family of light and I discovered these talents after healing myself over and over again.
We life in a society that tells us what to learn. Most of my life I learned the things myself by doing. It showed me that we all are a treasure chest. The gold is in us. The knowledge is in us. Follow your bliss, your heart. Ignore what other people tell you. Stay true to yourself.
Foto: Kalibreren van je lichaam - je levenskracht herpakken
At the highest level, the quantum field, we are going to recognize your challenges. We are going to transmute them. We are going to transform the energy.
This is the best place to change it.
We all know the expression: As above so below. When we change the energy field in the higher fields, it will be shown below.
Investigations have shown that only words and speaking are not that succesful. We understand it with our mind. But the energy hasn't changed.
Other than changing the energy we will retrieve lost part of our soul. Our soul defragmented because of experiences. For instant: it is not save to love. Because in previous lives we were betrayed. We clear the betrayal and retrieve our loveparts.
If we clear old programming we are driving our own car again. No other person or believe is sitting behind the wheel.
We learn to stay centered, in our own energy no matter what.
We learn to make our own choices no matter what.
You are in your own home With my family of light we attune to your energy field and we heal & retrieve what is needed at that moment. It is a groups healing. This is a strong healing field.
23 november 20:00 uur
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This is a personal session We can tune in on your challenges. Not only will your receive a healing, but you will receive information on what is blocking you or is an ever returning challenge. This is a Zoom healing session.
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A session with an animal
Our animal mirrors us what is blocking us or holding us back from living our greatest potential. They take over physical complaints. And their behavior shows us what we are not seeing ourselves.
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Relationship sessions
This can be personal or professional. Relationships are changing because of the new earth. We learn to recognize the mirrors and heal this in ourselves. A sacred union in ourselves is the bridge to the other.
A healing is something you have to experience for yourself. You have to feel it and see what changes afterwards.
- you can stand up for yourself;
- you can say no;
- you can speak your truth;
- you decide what's worth your time and what isn't;
- you learn what your desire is....
Someone once told me: "Have the courage to want the the best for yourself." That is exactly what I did, step by step.
Now I speak light language, developed my own healing tools with the help of the family of light. I love what I do!
I just needed to be loyal to myself and to my heart & feelings. People will tell you that it is impossible or that you have lost your mind. Be mindful. This is their fear not yours. Listen to yourself. You have all the wisdom inside of you.
My wish is that we will learn our children to stay true to themselves, to question what other people say and to see their own worth!
That they are able to live their lives to the fullest. If we all can live our lives as designed for us, there will be no hatred anymore. Who wants to hate if they live their happiest live.
The first step to start a new life. Have the courage to want the best for yourself.
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