Healing of Animals
We are an ally. If we realize this, much will change.
If you let go of the thought that an animal has to listen, has to be disciplined and ordered around, you will start to see that an animal can read and feel your energy field and mirrors exactly what is going on in your life.
I was lucky that my dogs are very stubborn dachshunds and didn't listen to any dogcoach. All coaches forced my dogs verbally or physically by pulling the dog collar. Everytime I started to get a stomach ache. It didn't feel right.
In this process I started to see that they show me a message.
If I am not centered and in the now they show me things:
It is magical!
I often hear: "I have never experienced this way of coaching before. You look at the situation with different eyes and from a different angel, perspective."
My talent is to see the blockage and remove. Often people come to me for the animal. But the animal often shows me where the owner is feeling stuck. The animals are so grateful that the root cause has been healed so that they don't have to mirror it anymore. This can be a behavior they show or the animals have physical problems.
You will get insights and healing. Only talking doesn't do the job. The animal shows you where your energy is not congruent.
Does your animal have complaints that are inexplainable or is there a complaint that keeps coming back? View thinks from another perspective. Not medicine which doesn't see and heal the root of the problem. But look at the energy field of you both. What is going on in the energy field. What is the blockage? Where are you stuck?
Don't get me wrong. I do not disapprove of a vet. I just want to look at things from all sides. I encourage to work together.
We have to keep doing the 'work". We have to stay open for what wants to be seen. We remove layer by layer. We go deeper and deeper to come to our essence.
This way of living is new for us. We look inside us what needs to be healed. We see this in the mirrors presented to us on the outside. We stop blaming, hating and shouting.
Our mind wants to focus on fear & the negative. This feels safe. But that is an illusion. It is the main addiction of humanity caused by a substance in our body. We need to be mindful of what we think and what we allow to enter in our mind. Do this with love for yourself. Don't reject yourself and accept what wants to be seen. Accept it and let it go. That is alchemy.
You can book a session and we will plan a date.
The session can be at my office or we plan a zoom meeting.
You get clarity, insights and you will learn to communicate clearly and lovingly. You learn to stay true to yourself and make different choices. These choices support you. The bridge to yourself is the bridge to your animal.
Isn't it wonderful that animals come in our lives, have a soul contract and help us to ascent. Please have gratitude and show them the love they deserve. They are so important.
If the above mentioned words resonate with you don't hesitate to contact me to book a session. You know consciously or unconsciously that this is a deep truth.
You can contact me if you have a question. I will gladly answer your questions.
If you want a different result, you need to have a different approach. Have the courage to want the best for yourself and your animal.
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